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Money 101 Analysis
Find out what you should be focussing on in order to get financially organised!
Are you on top of your finances?
Take our Budgeting Assessment to see your financial status and where you could improve. Get a FREE Excel Budget Planner on completion!
Are you struggling with debt?
Take our Budgeting Assessment to see your financial status and where you could improve. Get a FREE Excel Budget Planner on completion!
Borrowing to Stay Afloat in a Sea of Debt
Medical Cover
Are you covered in an emergency?
Do you need medical aid, health insurance or accident & emergency cover? What is the difference between them all? Do you need it and if so which one???
Waiting Periods
Discovery Medical Aid Increases 2022
Medical Aid Waiting Periods
How to choose a Medical Aid
Personal Organisation
BEE – What you need to know
Are all your affairs in order?
Take our Budgeting Assessment to see your financial status and where you could improve. Get a FREE Excel Budget Planner on completion!
Financial Protection
Are you protected if something happened?
Do you have protection against the financial risks that you have with your car, house, possessions and even your life? Do you need financial protection and if so what???
What are my Tax Obligations?
Who needs to pay what tax
Are you tax complaint?
Take our Budgeting Assessment to see your financial status and where you could improve. Get a FREE Excel Budget Planner on completion!
Who pays tax in South Africa
Are you on track to be able to retire?
We all want to be able to retire one day - but can we afford to? How much do you need and are you on track? Find out if you will be able to financially retire now!
Wealth Creation
Are you saving and investing?
Take our Budgeting Assessment to see your financial status and where you could improve. Get a FREE Excel Budget Planner on completion!