When it comes to the world of business, not many actually truly understand the importance of body language.Being good at business is not only about being proficient at a certain skill.
An efficient businessman is going to project a positive message if he has a good handle on body language. You may not realise this but when you meet somebody for the first time, it only takes about seven seconds to make an impression.
Unbeknownst to you, you could be unwittingly giving off the wrong signals that are actually hindering your business potential.It is actually somewhat alarming to think that body language can make or break a deal.
The manner in which you carry and also project yourself when engaged in conversation is of equal importance to the words that you utter. While body language is completely nonverbal, it speaks volumes about you as a person
While there is no denying that our spoken words are of the utmost importance, body language plays a less obvious, yet critical role.This well-illustrated infographic gives you a good understanding of how to convey the correct message through body language in a business situation.