The cost of fuel prices seem to be regularly escalating, like clockwork. That is the case with most things so you need to be smart and place an emphasis on fuel economy. Apart from the massive dent that it emits on your wallet, burning fuel also renders harm on the environment as a result of the emissions that are given off. You can make a difference to your pocket and environment by using these great tips on how to save money on fuel.
- When driving in a lower gear than required and excessive /hard revving the engine hard wastes a lot of fuel, so rather change up through the gears as soon as it is appropriate to do so.
- Traffic plagues us all and burns a lot of fuel but in instances when you can avoid peak traffic, reschedule your trip to an earlier or later time.
- Do not carry unnecessary weight. Try to keep your car free of items that do not need to be there. The more weight on the vehicle – the more fuel will be required to power it.
- The fuel efficiency of your car will be hindered if your car is not well maintained. Care for your car and make sure it is serviced at appropriate intervals to make the most of your fuel economy.
- Make sure that your tyres are properly inflated. It is said that for every 5% a car’s tyres are underinflated, fuel consumption increases by 1%. By lessening the required amount of energy to move your car, its fuel efficiency will be bumped up. Poorly inflated tyres will force your engine to work harder.
- While this may be a little obvious, not many people consider this option. Alternate lifts to work with your wife or colleague. Perhaps on every alternate day or week, you can drive the both of you and vice versa.
- Ensure that your air filter is clean. A clogged air filter will jeopardise the flow of air into the engine that will hinder fuel economy as well as its performance.
- You should always accelerate and brake with care. Sudden accelerations and even braking is a fuel burner. Rather be weary of potential slowdowns and gradually decrease speed when you are approaching robots and other stops.