In numerous households, electricity bills are sky-rocketing and many can’t fathom why that is so. It boils down to inefficient utilisation of electricity. Follow these top tips to save electricity and do your bit for the environment.
By setting the temperature of your geyser to about 55 degrees Celsius, less cold water will be needed when you take a shower or you wash your dishes.
Your roof and ceiling should be insulated as it could potentially keep the room five degrees Celsius warmer in winter and ten degrees Celsius cooler in summer. This means a lesser need for electrical heating and cooling.
Your refrigerator is said to consume a more electricity than all of your other kitchen appliances combined – that is a lot of electricity if you quantify it! You can improve its consumption efficiency by cleaning its coils. Consumption efficiency can be improved by about 30 to 50 percent.
Ensure that your home is equipped with energy-friendly lighting. By utilising Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs), they will last longer and they use 75 percent less power than old incandescent bulbs.
Cleaning your dryer will also improve its efficiency. The lint screen should be cleaned after each load and the exhaust duct should be cleaned annually. If your lint screen is dirty, it could use about 30 percent more electricity.
At night, instead of using an electric blanket, make use of an extra blanket and a hot water bottle.
Be sure to insulate your geyser as it promotes heat retention.
Do not make the mistake of just turning off your switches as appliances and electronics continue to drain electricity as long as they’re plugged in. Make sure you unplug everything.
Take heed of how much water that you heat. If you are boiling water in a jug, only fill water according to how much is needed.
When heating something on a stove, ensure that large pots are heated on large plates and vice versa to conserve electricity.