Sadly, inflation has become a perpetual fixture in our lives. The cost of everything continues to skyrocket, perpetuating financial calamity for most. Every extra cent that you save counts in the long run. That being said – make use of these tips on saving money on groceries.
Keep a Strict Grocery List and Budget
This may be obvious to some but not many people do so. Many people who shop for groceries without allocating a shopping list and budget often end up spending a lot more than they intended on. Sticking to your grocery list and budget is going to obviously help you to not buy extra items.
Inspect for Unnecessary Items at the Till
As you are passing your groceries to the till, observe each and every item that is being put through for scanning. A last minute check will help you shed any unnecessary items. For example, do you really need that extra bag of potato chips?
Do not buy water
There is no need to add bottled water to your already bulky grocery bill. Rather invest in a water filter, so water quality is not a concern.
Utilise Leftovers
After everybody has eaten and there is food remaining, do not discard it. Separate the meat and vegetable portions, store in tupperwares and freeze… They can be later used as sandwich or pizza toppings or included in a soup or stew.
Never Shop while Hungry
When you are grocery shopping and you are hungry, you will shop with your stomach dictating as opposed to your brain. You will find it hard to resist adding the various snacks and other delectable treats to your shopping cart. Ensure you have eaten enough before you embark on grocery shopping.
Buy in Bulk when it makes Sense
Where applicable you should consider buying in bulk. As with almost everything else, the larger quantity that you buy, the cheaper you get it for.
Know Grocery Prices
Having a good understanding of grocery prices will give you a greater foothold to make informed decisions for month-end shopping.
Embrace Vegetables
Eating meat for every meal can be pretty expensive. As vegetables are considerably cheaper than mean, consider opting for more “meat-free” days.
Cook in Bulk and then Freeze it
On some days, cook a significantly larger portion of a meal and then freeze it. By doing so, you save money and also time.
Check your Receipt
Ensure that you fine comb your receipt after you have paid for your groceries. You will be surprised about how often, cashiers incorrectly bill you for items that you did not purchase. While mistakes do happen, rather safeguard yourself.