Winter is almost here – it is a time for sneezes and sniffs and your medication cupboard becomes stocked to a point that it could rival any chemist worth its salt. While that is a bit of an exaggeration, many become vulnerable to the flu under colder temperatures. Here are some good pointers to strengthen your immune system.
Stress Less
Stressing has never done anybody good. Stressing forces your adrenal glands to produce more adrenaline and cortisol. Long term stress puts major strain on the strength of your immune system. Worry less and do things that make you feel good
Sleep More
Good quality sleep is essential for your wellbeing and proper functioning. A lack of sleep causes you to feel fatigued, irritable, weakens your immune system and increases inflammatory chemicals that will eventually make you ill.
Drink Less Alcohol
It may feel good to indulge in a bit of drinking. However, alcohol is known to weaken your immune system. It dehydrates the body, damages your liver and the rest of the endocrine system. It also will weaken your immune system.
Consume Helpful Bacteria
The intestinal, lower urinary and upper respiratory tracts contain beneficial microorganisms that strengthen immune function. Live-cultured products such as yogurt and sauerkraut also contain this bacteria.
Take Your Vitamins
Vitamins such as A, B6, C, D and Zinc will equip your body with the right tools to fight off infection. Speak to your pharmacist about a good vitamin supplement.
Socialise More
You don’t have to become the life of the party but be social. Don’t be withdrawn. Having a solid social relationship is a major plus for both your physical and mental health.
Physical activity is has the power to bolster your immune system. Exercising for about 20 minutes for about three times a week will have a positive effect on your immune system. It also promotes the release of endorphins which make you feel great.
Up Your Protein
The antibodies that assist in fighting off disease consist of protein. Many foods that contain high protein levels also contain other immune-boosting nutrients
H20 is the Way to Go
Make sure you are getting enough water. By drinking more water, you are actually energising your muscles, improve bowel function, and even out your body’s fluid levels which all impact on an improved immune system